Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So I have this friend....

This morning on my way into work I had about a bazillion things going through my head. Now of course that I am actually sitting in front of a computer I can't seem to remember any of it. Typical. Of course that is what happens the instant you walk in the door at work. It's like a huge brain meltdown.

Don't you just hate it when you are talking to someone on the phone and they are kinda of having a conversation with you but really they are working or reading or texting or facebooking or twittering or... Well you get the point. The thing that irritates me is that people do it to me all the time (especially my sister) but then get mad when they call me at work and I do it to them. However, I start the conversation by saying, "I'm busy at work, what do you need?" You would think the word BUSY would make them realize that I will only half be paying attention and don't get pissed when I don't respond. Even MORE irritating is when they call me and then do it to me! Then sit there and talk to their computer or co-workers and mutter jibberish about whatever it is they are doing and when I say, "Excuse me?" they are like, "Oh no I was talking to my computer.". Although that statement right there lets you know the people I associate with are nuts :P Honestly though folks... Just call me when you aren't so busy!

So there is my tirade this morning. If I think of anything else to whine about I will certainly come back and post it.

1 comment:

  1. See now, at least you tell them when you're busy. You just don't bother saying anything to me half the time. :-p
