I find it neat that this site saves all by itself. I used to have a horrible time with the last site I used. I was constantly losing all I had typed so I got into the habit of typing the whole blog up first, then editing and adding it onto the site and I still had problems some days.
Now for the original thought that even made me think to write a blog somewhere. I used to know a girl who always used large words in inappropriate ways. I think I committed the faux pas yesterday and she popped into my head. Off hand I can't remember any specific words she used but it was more the reason behind her doing it. She was trying to prove she was smart.
The truly funny thing about the whole situation is we worked for a house cleaning service. I mean come on... You don't have to be smart to know how to clean a toilet, so flaunting her intelligence was kind of silly. She wasn't all that good of a cleaner either so maybe she would have been better off not thinking she was so smart...
Ok so back to the word I used. It was PROVOCATION. According to Webster's there are a few similar definitions of this word.
- aggravation: unfriendly behavior that causes anger or resentment
- incitement: something that incites or provokes; a means of arousing or stirring to action
- needed encouragement; "the result was a provocation of vigorous investigation"
So now that I took the time to look it up I see I did use it right. Of course I was just showing off so it totally would have served me right if I had committed the ultimate faux pas and used my big word wrong while posting something on a Facebook page. Of course there is no way to spell check the crap you post on there and I am constantly going and deleting crap since I have spelled something worng.. errrr wrong I mean.
Now that brings up a new thought. Are you a spelling snob? I am. I live and die by spell check and dictionaries. Maybe it is the fact that I do office management, maybe it is because my sister spent years correcting my grammar at every turn. Either way I have a firm need for correct spelling. Too bad my cell phone lacks any spell check (another reason I want a freaking blackberry again) and now that I think about it... it lacks cut, copy and paste for texting and typing up emails. Hmmmmm...
Well I think that is enough brain emptying for today. I can't type too much or I may not have sufficient brain left over to function the rest of the day. :)
(Now I have to figure out how to add pictures and crap to this!)